Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i'm feeling a little queasy: vomit-inducing S/S '11 trends.


I don't care if you call them "waist purses" or "belt purses", they are FANNY PACKS. They may have traded up the polyester for leather from Hermes or Diane von Furstenberg but those neon yellows and greens from the 90s have permanently damaged my retinas. I can still hear the crinkles from the cheap polyester as someone with a Everest fanny pack walked by...EEEEEEK

For simplicity, comfort, and practicality I'll give it an A, but guess what else is? Crocs! Besides, since when do fashionistas really care about what's practical anyway?

(Image from buzzfeed.com)

(Image from buzzfeed.com)

(Image from buzzfeed.com)

S/S '11 Hermes

S/S '11 Diane von Furstenberg


Some things are just plain obscene/abhorrent/repulsive/atrocious/vile/heinous/however many more synonyms need I conjure from my mental thesaurus to illustrate to you my utter disgust with this next so-called trend. They look like grandmother shoes, and not is the "Oh if you wear it the right way, it a cool vintage piece" type of way. It's UGLY. 'Nuff said.

S/S '11 Chanel

S/S '11 Chanel

S/S '11 Prada

I hope all these horrors haven't left you as queasy as I'm feeling.

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